Produced by: Starr Parodi, Jeff Eden Fair & Louis Price
All vocals: Louis Price
All Keys: Starr Parodi
Drums: Land Richards
Bass, Guitar & Trombone: Jeff Eden Fair
String Arrangement: Starr Parodi & Jeff Eden Fair
Recorded & Mixed by: Jeff Eden Fair
Mastered by: David Kutch, The Mastering Palace NYC
“Easing deftly into the irrepressible soul piercing hook, Price and Parodi fashion the contemporary equivalent of Gaye’s What’s Going On”. - J.W. Vibe
This song was originally started several years ago, not very long after the Sandy Hook incident. We had been playing a concert at an elementary school in celebration of Black History month. Afterwards, we were talking at breakfast when the topic of gun violence and schools came up, and through our conversation we decided to come back to my studio and start writing this song. We were inspired by the great social messaging and protest work of so many great soul artists of the 70s and how so many of their songs were still so relevant.
Working with Louis is always a window into the sincerity of the artistry of that era, where he was front and center as the young lead singer of R&B supergroup, the Temptations. More importantly, Louis himself is survivor of gun violence, and still has a bullet lodged in his body. Working with Louis is amazing and inspiring as you can tell by listening to his one person acapella bridge that we recorded at 1 in the morning, where he breaks into an incredible harmony with himself. WDYTOT, being firmly retro-soul, also inspired me to play my vintage snakeskin (not real snakeskin!) covered Fender Rhodes and make it the central keyboard voice for the song.
As happens with life and so many ideas, stuff happens and deadlines and projects get prioritized. Earlier this year, as 2020 got more and more crazy, Louis & I rediscovered What Do You Think Of That, and its recording and the lyrics & pertinence to today’s social/political environment were more connected than ever. It’s a message of making injustice something that is called out by both our voices and actions. People must come together and support each other to make our society more just, and reverse the course that we have been on. We must celebrate each other rather follow a path of division and hate. So as the craziness of 2020 has unfolded, we realized we had to finish WDYTOT and get it out to the world.
“it’s as if the duo is holding up a mirror and asking us not only what we think, but what we’re going to do personally and collectively to make enduring, meaningful changes that make a difference.” - J.W. Vibe